This is a late 60's early 70's Silvertone made by Teisco of Japan. This is a similar to the Mosrite or maybe a bit of Stratocaster. It's a small student/child size guitar. Teisco made guitars for lots of department stores and Sears joined up with them in the late 1960's.
The Teisco brand name stands for 'Tokyo Electric Instrument and Sound Company'. Teisco was founded in 1946 by renowned Hawaiian and Spanish guitarist Atswo Kaneko, and electrical engineer Doryu Matsuda. Teisco guitars sold in the United States were badged "Teisco Del Rey" beginning in 1964. Teisco guitars were also imported in the U.S. under several brand names including Silvertone, Jedson, Kent, Kingston, Kimberly, Tulio, Heit Deluxe and World Teisco. While guitars manufactured by Teisco were ubiquitous in their day, they are now very collectable.
Not really a collector's rave but because it is old it is desireable? Those were crap then and they are now.
Sometimes people want to purchase a guitar just like the one they learned to play on back in the 60's, sometimes they like the sound, sometimes it's just the style. As for them being crap, that's your opinion and some will agree and some will disagree. Think of it this way, I wouldn't go near an oyster, to me they are overpriced crap and always will be crap but others love to eat them.
I have the Exact same guitar i bought at a garage sale and fixed up. Mine has a Weird Sticker instead of "Silvertone" on the headstock. Thanks for the info on it. :)
old is cool i was born way too late and oysters are crap. lol can you tell me anything about kingston acoustic electrics 1960 please drop me a line
Somebody probably removed the Silvertone label and applied the weird label you have. It's also possible that Harmony or Kay made the same model for someone else and what you have is their label.
If you have a specific question, you can find my email on the blog at the bottom right side and contact me directly.
i have a silvertone electric guitar light blue shaped like a tear-drop when i bought it the man told me that it was made around 1955 can you help me out
I have the same exact silvertone model and I need a new mounting screw for the pickup because the person who owned the guitar before me superglued it onto the pickup and then it became loose. I had to break it off, no other choice. Is there anywhere you can find screws that small?
I still have mine (from 1971) in the closet, with the headstock snapped off. Identical colour and finish as the one pictured above... but the outline shape is a slight bit skewed in comparison (a bit more strat-like). Mine is a 2 pickup model with a whammy, black scratchplate, and a third pot... exact same bridge, neck and head, but white plastic knobs on the tuners. Mine is quite obviously from the same source, but badged with a "Dana" name-plate. I have a small photo right here on my clip that I'd love to post, but this forum doesn't appear to support that option. It's a pleasant surprise to see that these old dogs have not been completely forgotten... Good stuff!
Me again... The Dana model I have (and described above) is exactly the same as the one seen pictured at:
Mine makes me smile. missing a volume control, chrome bridge and bar. Love the sound, memories and plan to be on stage one more time....
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