Very rare early Michael Angelo Batio signature guitar from Tradition Guitars "No Boundaries" series that is marked NB1M on the back sticker with an original price of $389.50. Although the "No Boundaries" CD was released in 1995 this guitar isn't that old since Tradition Guitars was founded in 1998. It is one the cleanest used guitars I've ever found. I think it was purchased and played just a few times and put away. My guess is that these are the original GHS strings that came on the guitar.
I found the following specifications for the guitar;
Solid Alder Body - A favorite choice of luthiers for many years. Alder is resonant, accepts laquer well and is less susceptible to cracking than many other hard woods.
North American Maple Necks - Used on all tradition guitars and basses, this choice wood has been favored by every great builder. No substitutes, no "mystery" wood, only the best possible neck wood available.
Indian Rosewood Fretboard - Why only Indian rosewood? The fingerboard represents up to 40% of the rigidity factor for a guitar neck. Indian rosewood can be dried efficiently and tends to be less susceptible to twisting. It also contains less moisture and oil resin that can compromise the ability to secure frets.
Die Cast Tuners - These tuners last longer and are smoother to the touch than open or covered gears. Ours cost more, but are worth the end result.
High Output Pickups - All pickups are potted for low noise. This potting process eliminates the "microphonic" tendencies you find in many other pickups. The single coil pickups have Alnico-5 magnets for higher output. The result is a pickup you can compare to any other on the market.
Dunlop Fret Wire - We use Dunlop fret wire to insure consistent quality and long life for our guitars and basses.
GHS Strings - All tradition guitars and basses come with first quality GHS strings.

This guitar will be sold on ebay soon.
Check my about me page for the ebay listing.