Here's a link to a single pickup version of a Kay Sizzler although the publisher mistakenly calls it a Star King.
I did a little more research and the Kay Sizzler was produced from 1956-1958 (which matches the Kluson tuner dates) in a brown or black Zolotone finish. The single pickup model was the K4140 and the dual pickup model was the K4144.

Here's a video of Tony Gilkyson who used to be in the Los Angeles band X playing a vintage Kay Sizzler.
Paul, a reader of this blog, sent me this picture of his single pickup Kay Sizzler. He picked it up in Abilene TX for only $60.00 in the mid to late 80's.

Very Nice...I thought that I was the only one around with one of these...found my single pickup Sizzler around 1986 (with original case) and it has held up fairly well over the years, but it does look it age. The pickup guard is slightly damaged and has yellowed a tad, but it is very playable with a definite vintage sound. My volume/tone knobs (which I believe are the originals) are different from those pictured and are plastic with a silvery coating.
I always called this the "Jetson's" guitar and it was even photographed and featured in a early late 80's LA TImes Weekend supplement. If you'd like a pix, pls contact me at
Thanks for the picture, good guitar you have there. I've added the picture to the blog.
I have one just like that, the original store price was $80 for the the double tone sizzlers, They sound so nice and I will never get rid of it
i just got one off ebay ($400)...the pick up was replaced with an early 60's Dearmond...have not received it as of yet but cant wait to hear it...i recently picked up a 1963 Silvertone Jupiter that is amazing...fallen in love with the construction and tone of those level instruments...
the one i have has the "Old Kraftsman" headstock...all the ones i have been able to find have the Kay headstock...any ideas on whether it sets mine apart?
I must have missed that one on eBay. They do sound nice and have a unique tone all their own.
Kay also produced guitars for the Western Auto chain and badged them with the Truetone name and for Spiegel Catalog with the Old Kraftsman name.
GH, It's nice to see more comments on the Sizzler. As an aside, I saw a brown, double pickup version for sale on a website in late 2009 with a price of $1500 USD...cannot remember which website tho...curious, cause I'd never seen an actual or pix of a brown one, but IMHO, not a patch on the black....Otherwise, I still love this guitar....have purchased a 2009 Tele and completely modified it beyond belief with Nocaster pups, etc,etc and really even more than you could ever imagine to give it that something and yet...I still play this guitar more than the Tele......Why?, the Kay's got the tone, don't ask me why. I sit in the barn with a Fender Blues Jr (Bill M modded) amp, a fuzz face, a Vox wah, an Ibanez TS-9, etc, etc...and just plug them in, move them about and enjoy myself. Great Guitar.
I think the brown and black were the only two colors the Sizzler was offered with. I think I saw the same website but just because they were asking $1,500 doesn't mean they can sell it for that much.
I've seen these (at least a couple times) labeled "Custom Kraft" in a sumburst.
I've seen 1 with typical Kay bolted neck. (Should have snagged that one, never seen it before or since).
I don't think I've ever seen a sunburst model of the Sizzler, are you sure it was the factory finish?
Re: Kay Sizzler Sunburst
Pretty sure it's factory.
I found a picture in "Guitar Stories-Vol.Two" by Michael Wright, page 168.
I can send you a scan of the page if you like.
is the headstock the same color as the body? and is the logo a decal or other? i have one someone painted it gloss black. underbeath the black there is remnants of a bright red color.
I played a Sizzler in the Fabulous Hysterics in high school in 1959-61. Photo of the band was featured in the June issue of Vintage Guitar Magazine Reader Mail. Wish I still had it. Don't know what happened to it.
Yes, the Custom Kraft/Kay Sizzler sunburst was indeed a factory finish. I still have mine I bought used in 1965 for $20. Never knew it would become a rare guitar....and I'll never part with it. Very cool tone and that baseball neck is just too sweet.
I was just given a custom kraft sizzler by my mother inlaw its a sun burst finish the neck seems to be actually made with the body no bolts on back only a strap mount is there a way to find out what year it is?
Picking one up for 50 bucks,but of course it looks just like yours,stripped of paint,double pickup,with an awful tun-o-matic attempted upgrade,will post a pic,when I get one. :-)
I found a Kay Sizzler listed on Craigslist. It is gloss black in color and listed as "in original condition". Did the sizzler come in gloss black?
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