The Teisco brand name stands for 'Tokyo Electric Instrument and Sound Company'. Teisco was founded in 1946 by renowned Hawaiian and Spanish guitarist Atswo Kaneko, and electrical engineer Doryu Matsuda. Teisco guitars sold in the United States were badged "Teisco Del Rey" beginning in 1964. Teisco guitars were also imported in the U.S. under several brand names including Silvertone, Jedson, Kent, Kingston, Kimberly, Tulio, Heit Deluxe and World Teisco. While guitars manufactured by Teisco were ubiquitous in their day, they are now very collectable.

That is a gorgeous guitar dude! A really nice find. Why can't I find guitars like that at garage sales? The most I ever say was a really short scale Harmony for $25 that I still wish I had bought.
Wow, that is the coolest Teisco I've seen yet. Do you know how they made the neck. Looks like lots of pieces of wood glued together.
No way!
I bought this off u on ebay. I dig it bigtime. It's got that 'lectric swamp tone I love!
Kirsten - I think it is a laminated neck from what I remember of the guitar. Wood is usually laminated to make it stronger.
Hemingray 9 - I can't believe you found me here. I'm sure glad you love the guitar, it's a great one and you got a great deal.
Awhile back when I was in high school (10 years ago) I saw a red body guitar in tough shape for $70. Not knowing much about guitars, my band teacher referred me to some guy at what was then Mars Music. I called him on the phone, and he just told me to get fender and that "Kimberly" was "Junk".
Well, I kept visiting the pawn shop and the guitar was there 3 years later. After research, I can only conclude it was this body or a Spectrum 5 body. Did they have these bodies on Kimberlys? Man, too bad I listened to the idiot that told me it was "junk". I thought it was the sexiest body ever.
Tomorrow, I'm going to go down the that pawn shop. Its 10 years later, but you never know lmao.
Good luck, I hope you find it there. It's a long shot since everyone has learned of the value of these now. The solid red ones are even harder to come by since almost all were this sunburst. I've never seen a Kimberly with this body, but there were lots of guitars that look the same with different names back in the 60's.
Thanks for the positive feedback Elaina.
dear guitar hunter,i have a deray whammy bar and pick ups missing.can these parts be had
Those can be found and as a matter of fact I usually have a few extra parts floating around. Email me with what you need.
I've got a bright blue Del Rey i bought at a yard sale for $7. I need a whammy bar and it's complete. Does anyone know where to find one?
Well, it was long gone, when I visited that pawn shop, but at least now I know, possibly, what it might have been. (The pickguard was missing and it was a red/yellow fade color scheme.)
Keeep looking, you can still find good deals in pawn shops. I picked up a Silvertone Mosrite copy at a local one not too long ago for a great price.
YOu may be able to find a whammy bar on ebay for your guitar, they aren't cheap and they don't come up often. These always got in the way while playing so they were the first thing modified (taken off and lost) when kids were learning to play in the 1960's.
I had one of these for my first guitar. $25.00 in 1978 used at Biviano's music in Warren Ohio. I gave it away to some one later after I got a Fender Lead I.
Bob Shepherd
Well, seems these have more than kept up with inflation. I just checked and $25 in 1978 would be worth about $65 today and I found this model to be worth over $100.
I have the same guitar but the head badge is a little different... Instead of the white it is the Teisco name over a gold crown no white background... I love this guitar...
I think the one you describe is a latter version.
Hey GH,
How did you work out the market value on the guitar ? i'm looking at one on E-Bay its a lot more than the value you have quoted.
The one I see on Ebay right now is someone asking $350 or best offer. That doesn't mean it's worth $350 or that someone will pay anywhere near that amount. Vintage guitars are worth what the other person will pay for it. A lot depends on the condition and how bad they want to own it. If you track them for a while, you'll see that they can go for anywhere between $75 and $150. The one that I have here is missing the tremolo arm which can be an expensive part to replace with a true original.
My dad bought a Teisco Del Ray new in the late 60's I have it now. I can't seem to find one like it on the internet. It has 3 spectrum pick-ups. It gren and black and has the flower pattern pick guard. Any help appreciated
Most of the truely greenburst guitars are badged at Kawai or Kimberly that I have seen. If you have one with a original Teisco badge you might have something rare. Also I don't think I've ever seen one with 3 Spectrum pickups before. Not that it's impossible, unique models are turning up all the time. I can post it on my blog if you want to send me some pictures.
I own a Teisco Del Rey ET-210N very similar in color,same shape but the pickguard has a lot more flowers on it. It's complete, all the screws are there, whammy bar, no scratches, great condition. do you have any idea what the thing is worth. I bought it like 3 years back at a swap meet.
wow my dad bought one just like it about 10 years ago at a yard sale for a buck!! and i love it
i have a teisco del-ray et 220 that my dad bought at a gurage sale for a buck about 10 years ago.It is in ok condition and it plays good i saw one go for $255 i know now it was a good deal.also,i have an arirang guitar from the 70's dont know what model it is. is it worth anything?
I don't believe that I've ever seen a Arirang guitar in person but most remember them being Japanese in origin. As for it's worth, that will all depend on the condition, demand, and if there is any true value in it as a player.
Buying these things for a buck or anything less than $100 is a deal. They seem to be increasing in value and if they are intact and in great condition I've seen them go for close to $200 unless it's one of the solid color models and then it can be worth more.
Any idea what the body wood type is on these? Thanks
I've never really researched the type of wood used on the bodies although most of them appear to be laminated bodies with some maple and mahogany in them.
i have the same guitar! i bought from a friend 16 yrs ago for $20.the knobs are missing and the pick guard is in poor shape,been that way since the day i got it.does anyone know of reproduction parts for teisco's?If so contact me at thanks
I own what I believe is a Del Ray. It has the Jazzmaster/Jaguar body with the black floral pickguard (similar to what's shown in your picture).
The only thing that makes me question mine is it's whammy. Can you tell me how many different whammy bars were made for these guitars?
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