These were pulled as a working matched set from a Melody branded Teisco guitar with other issues. I marked the N and B on the backs to track their original position on the guitar. The neck pickup measured 5.49K ohms and bridge pickup measured 5.43K ohms. The lead wires are over 8 inches long on both of the pickups.

The most popular way of using these pickups is the "CooderCaster", a custom guitar originally built for Ry Cooder. A lapsteel bridge pickup and the old Teisco Del Ray neck pickup is mounted to a Fender Stratocaster.
Here are some examples of guitars modified with the addition of a Teisco Goldfoil.

I have about 3 more sets of these pickups so if you're looking for a set, send me an email.
I am in the middle of restoring a 1970's hand made guitar. Sadly, the pick guard is a one of a kind, and I cannot seem to find pickups that will fit it. The holes are just slightly too long for standard pickups made today. (By about 1cm). Are these pickups^ any longer, than say a standard fender pickup from today?
I have taken apart one of the destroyed pickups that came with my vintage hand made guitar, and is indeed a goldfoil pickup, except with a plastic cover. Where could I find a set of 3 replacement pickups?
eBay is your best bet for these pickups although I usually have a few sitting around my collection. You can always email me and see what I have at the time. The ones pictures here are larger than a fender pickup and you can also find them without the "flange" and those are also a bit larger I believe.
how was the coodercaster made????
I didn't make the one pictured, but I'm sure you can do a search and find detailed instructions somewhere.
Heh heh heh - my old Teisco's got four of those babies, and I love each and every one of them.....
hi - i was wondering what pickups you have lying around - the email link didn't work unfortunately - i'm in love w/ some dearmond gold foils in an old bobkat i picked up yesterday...thanks!
Hey Nik, those 4 pickup models are great, hand on to that one.
aaronstrumpel, you should be able to reach me at and I do have some of these pickups available right now.
I am a builder who just landed three of these. Two of them have a black leatherette cloth which will gold leaf nicely, one is already gold - otherwise they are identical to the pickups you show. I have one that reads out 7.96K, much hotter. Plan on putting all three into the same build.
Any idea who makes a humbucker pickup with a similar tone? i have a japanese les paul copy and a set of these pick ups and i love'm but not sure if i can make'm fit in a les willing to buy something similar in a humbucker if any one knows who makes'm..other wise i may have to take mine a part and some how fabricate a pick up ring to make these fit.
I have 2 DeArmond model 40 pickups with 9 reading, any idea who wold be interested in fact I have the whole set up off avery old guitar, switches, machine heads, pots and pot cans x3, I am sure someone is in need. i'm to old now to think of a build great pics of your collection
I might be interested in the DeArmond pickups. Click on the about me link near the top left and you'll find my email.
Sent you a mail on the DeArmond model 40 pickups and othe vintage parts did you receive my asking if you wanted pics and info .
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