NORMA HISTORY: Normas were built in Japan between 1965 to 1970 by the Tombo Company and distributed in the U.S. by Strum´N Drum, Inc. of Chicago, Illinois. The company specialized in copying Italian guitars like EKO and Goya and sold them in the U.S.A as NORMA's. The most blatant EKO copy is the SDEG 490-4, a guitar that confused the heck out of MANY. The Tombo Company is still in business, but these days they specialize in harmonica production.

mY NORMA is an eg 671 - 2 ht
number 005
my wife bought it for me in 1971
mint condition
If you still have it I'm jealous. I wish I still had my first guitar. I do have my second and third so that's not all bad.
So how would you rate this guitar quality-wise... good sound, good electronics - or not.
I am looking at one tomorrow for sale - $130
It's a typical Japanese hollowbody, maybe a little better quality than some and $130 isn't a bad price.
i have a norma like the one on cept mine has 3 pick-ups and wammy bar.. its the dark colored one
Thanks for the link to your guitar, I'm sure others will find it interesting as well.
i have a norma thats been in a closet for 25 years or more i got in 77 used from a friend, i dont know anything about them i stumbled across this site,it says EG 665-2HR serial 2437, if you guys knoe anything it would be helpful and interesting thanks
The guitar pictured looks exactly like my EG 671-2-HT. The only difference is yours is in much better condition than mine :)
Hi GH,
I have a Riviera that look similar to this Norma can you tell me about it (or just about Riviera guitars)?
Here's a link to my personal collection, I have several Japanese beauties.
This was my very first guitar my parents bought me in 1968 from Sears. I cannot remember what happened to it but would love to get my hands on one. Any suggestions as to where to look.
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